
Valmadge T. Towner (Val) is serving as fifth president of Coahoma 社区 College and ninth superintendent of Coahoma Early College High School. He has served as President and Superintendent since July 2013.

在担任了许多行政职务后,他担任了科霍马社区学院的领导 and educational positions.  Earlier in his career, he served as  a college mathematics 教练,首席大学棒球教练,以及助理大学橄榄球教练. 在K-12教育领域,他被奎特曼县学校聘为校长 and superintendent of education. Most recently, before returning to Coahoma 社区 College, he served as director of pupil services for Desoto County Schools.

Val graduated from Coahoma 社区 College with an Associate’s Degree in Computer 科学. He also graduated from Alcorn State University with a Bachelor of 科学 Degree in Mathematics, a Master of 教育 Degree in Mathematics and a Master of 教育 Degree in Administration. Additionally, Val received a Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, New Jersey and he was conferred a Doctor of Philosophy in 教育al Leadership from the University of Mississippi. 


  • Added over 10K square feet of instructional space to Health 科学 Division
  • Totally revamped all athletic facilities.
  • 为一个广泛的校园标牌Programs获得资金,并安装了数字板 signs in all athletic areas.
  • 实施校园美化工程,包括景观美化和建筑美化 升级.
  • Constructed a Tornado Shelter (Safe House)
  • Constructed a Security Fence for main campus
  • Constructing New Student 服务 Center for 学者
  • 领导全院范围的战略规划过程,制定修订后的五年规划 strategic entitled “Grow, Discover, Excel”.
  • Led institution in successful mid-year (5 year) accreditation process
  • Used empirical market data and quantitative methods to redesign outreach Programs which led to record JDB电子游戏 growth in evening class JDB电子游戏, online and dual JDB电子游戏.
  • 振兴科霍马社区学院基金会董事会为学院举行 quarterly meetings and assembling new board members.
  • 成立了一个总统顾问委员会小组,由两国各一名代表组成 of our district counties to meet quarterly
  • Designed and implemented a peer-based feedback appraisal process for all employees called CCC360 Feedback
  • Created an Early College High School Advisory Group
  • Created Recruitment/ Retention Team
  • Redesigned the Office of 金融援助 to increase efficiency moved SAP process to financial aid office
  • Restructured the Office of JDB电子游戏 to increase efficiency and outreach
  • 与当地治安官建立了合作关系以提高效率和安全性 and pool resources by becoming one department.
  • Created Institutional Response Team which consist of faculty and staff to identify problems associated with college and develop strategies to resolve negative issues.
  • 执行营销和品牌Programs,增加社交媒体的活跃度 venues (ie: 脸谱网, 推特, Instagram and etc.) by decupling the volume of internet traffic on school social media accounts
  • 完全重新设计了学院的网站,并增加了一个全面的独立 link for many divisions of the college.
  • Created Retention/Recruitment team that meets bi-weekly.


  • Facilitated the launch of the most extensive design of an Honor’s College program in the history of Coahoma 社区 College.
  • Facilitated extensive redesign of 职业生涯 Technical 教育 (CTE) curriculum and launched initiative to restore all designated areas of CTE facilities that had been abandoned for decades.
  • Increased expenditures for direct academic initiatives by 100%.
  • Created an Early College High School
  • Designed and implemented first STEM summer camps for boys and girls between 8-12.
  • 实施MI-BEST,所有职业/技术教育的途径除外 of barbering, cosmetology and childcare technology.
  • Added evening Programs for Barber/Stylist and Automotive Technology.
  • Increased student attendance and retention in 职业生涯 Technical 教育 division with mandatory retention seminars.
  • Implemented Commercial Truck Diving, Diesel Equipment Technology, Diesel Equipment, 电气技术、CISCO /Apple编程和幼儿学院短期实习 Programs.
  • Graduated first class in commercial truck driving with CDL certification.
  • 扩大Phi Theta Kappa的会员数量,并每学期开设入门课程.
  • Expanded the number of GED training sites in service area.


  • As state revenue has decreased by over 10% in Towner’s tenure, budget expenditures have correlated with revenue budget reduction.
  • A strong fund balance has been created and maintained.
  • 减少预算开支,并向所有员工发放超过10%的加薪(未获资助) 由国家负责).
  • Audited the following to reduce expenditures: all phone lines (cell and land), fax lines, copiers and printers.
  • 对所有学院的库存进行全面和持续的库存审计.
  • 尼桑、丰田和制药行业每年都捐赠大量资金 to 职业生涯 and Technical Programs.
  • 完全重新设计夜校课程,双注册和在线课程提供 to ensure financial solvency
  • Secured record level of external funds from alumni and friends
  • Stabilized chronic JDB电子游戏 decline and implemented strategies to have consistent 每学期的入学人数增长(经常领先MACJC的入学人数增长百分比) per semester).
  • 将学院定位为为GED参与者提供服务的地区领导者, 为工商界提供失业工人和劳动力培训服务 MIBest, SNAP initiatives and 职业生涯 Pathway Implementation.
  • 在学术和职业技术部门增加了几个新的专业和课程 教育.
  • Voted in the top 5 of most safest schools in America each year.
  • Practical Nursing Program reaffirmed with accreditation (1st time to do so with no deficiencies).
  • Nursing Program consistently ranks in the top 5 among Programs in Mississippi.
  • Moved from non-accreditated to full accreditation with Respiratory Care Program. 
  • Polysomnography (New Technical Program) reached full
  • Associate Degree Nursing (1st time to reach full accreditation).
  • Paramedic (recently reaffirmed accreditation).
  • Added Track and Field as a sport.
  • Successfully secured 501-3C status for national alumni association (1st time).
  • Re-opened campus day care by partnering with Coahoma Opportunity Incorporated.
  • 创建活动/驱动以获得资金(例如:年度晚会,1949年基金会驱动, class competition campaign for homecoming).
  • 增加职业技术指导员获得NCCER认证的百分比.
  • Culinary Arts consistently ranked among the 10 culinary schools in Mississippi
  • Created Employee and Student monthly spotlight
  • Created 教师 and 工作人员 honorees of the month.
  • Increased MS-CPAS career technical Programs passing rate by 18%.
  • 增加了获得通识教育文凭的学生/参与者人数 and 职业生涯 Readiness Certificates.
  • 与当地非营利组织合作,获得联邦通讯许可证 and operate a radio station on campus 
  • 获得了近10个教育Programs的合作伙伴与三角洲健康补助金
  • Created nearly a dozen partnerships with RUS Grant
  • 通过与密西西比大学的次级资助设计了一个教育Programs Medical Center.
  • 为地区高中学生实施年度总统领导训练营 USAA保险公司.
  • Launched pilot hybrid course offerings.
  • 制定了专门针对女性的补救和保留措施 funds secured from a Women’s Foundation Grant.
  • Launched Saturday courses program for general studies majors.
  • Implemented canvas banner campaign.
  • Increased staff for Branding/Communication department.
  • Reached historical levels of engagement for social media venues.
  • Launched a new radio station.
  • Implemented complete makeover of schools website


Recognized by Alpha Phi Alpha

对高等教育界的杰出贡献(Epsilon Xi Lambda分会)

被全国有色人种协进会科俄马和密西西比分会表彰为更高级别的模范领导 education issues

Leflore县年度公民-特别认可的教会和更高级别 educator articulation Greenwood, Mississippi

Honored Alumnus of the year Coahoma 社区 College

Featured person of the Year for Mahogany Magazine and highlighted for contributions 以高等教育为特色,担任三角洲理事会出版的高等教育官员

Featured, Ole Miss 校友 Spotlight Publication as an achiever in higher education

特色,克拉克斯代尔新闻登记年度档案作为科荷马的积极贡献者 County Featured, Delta Business Journal

Inducted in Kappa Delta Pi University of Mississippi Chapter

Delegate to Chinese Bridge Delegation; Hanban

中国国家汉语教学委员会办公室与学院建立国际合作伙伴关系 董事会

全国中小学校汉语协会理事会 Supervisors for Languages

全国外文地区监事和中国领事馆协会 in the United States

印第安纳州拉斯伯里男子俱乐部发言人:“情况很严重——振作起来 education and Job Training”

演讲者,100名黑人,格林维尔,MS“减少坐在海湾思维的码头上 and becoming Prepared”

演讲者,进步艺术和公民俱乐部-莉齐·科尔曼·戴,格林维尔,MS“荣誉 those who have paved the way by equipping K-12 students to attend college”

主讲人,Common Core Institute“打造从高中到大学的清晰路径” 主持人, National Literacy Professional Development Consortium “Five threats to HBCU的“讲师,CCC上进小组”用教育拓展你的视野 性格”

Keynote Speaker


Keynote Speaker

奥尔康州立大学校友冬至会议“克服重重困难——重访…… Alcorn Story”

Lectured, Tanzania, Africa Africa Promise Village

年度讲座,为美国暑期学院培训课程“正确的东西” can come from Mississippi Delta 学生 too”

Annual 主持人, Early Literacy and Technology Conference “Bringing Out the Best in 学生 through Technology

Keynote Speaker

Arbor Day/Founder’s Day Celebration “The 1949 experiment – Educating the least of those…still” Coahoma 社区 College

主持人, Honor's Banquet Mississippi Valley State University

First Mississippi 主持人 Greenwood Voter’s League


Mississippi 社区 College Leadership Academy “What to expect as an educational leader in the 21st century”

Guest Lecturer

通过Kouzes的镜头示范领导 and Posner” University of Mississippi

Frequent Guest Columnist, Greenwood Commonwealth 新闻paper

Annual Guest Lecturer Cultural Awareness Program

First Baptist Church of Oak Park, Illinois in collaboration with Oak Park / River Forest High School

Guest Lecturer

少数族裔一年级学生“充分利用你的教育机会”密西西比 University for Women

Professional Development Leader “Kingonomics and educating Generation Z students” Winston County – Louisville Public School

主讲人,南方社区学院研究协会“360度反馈方法” Trustee 董事会 Member, SACSCOC

Past 董事会 Member of Mississippi Association of School Superintendents (MASS)

Jackson, Mississippi


Member, Clarksdale /Coahoma Chamber of Commerce Member, Clarksdale Carnegie Library 董事会

克拉克斯代尔西北地区医疗中心董事会成员,穆迪研究所主席 Trust Fund 董事会

Chair, Mississippi 社区 College 董事会 Foundation

Member, Mississippi 社区 College’s President’s Association Southern Regional College 董事会 – Advisory Council Member The College 董事会 – Advisory Council Member Clarksdale/Coahoma County Chamber and Industrial Foundation Clarkdale Rotary Club, Exchange Club, Lions Club

美国学院和大学协会会员,全国协会会员 for Equal Opportunities in 教育 Member, Mississippi Association of Educators

Member, Advisory Member for White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities in STEM

Member, American Association of 社区 Colleges Member, Southern Association of Institutional Research